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News News
Light travels like an arrow, and time like a shuttle.The busy 2016 has gone in a moment,and we are looking forward to the 2017 coming towards us.On December 31st, Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd ceremoniously held the 2015 Spring Festival Gala with the theme of“Gathering Sinbad,Creating Brilliant”. It was a celebration of discarding old and bring in new that all staffs gathered together .We were honor to invite dirctor Liao ,the honorary present of the chamber of commerce and Mr li ,the president of chamber of commerce and other important respresentives this time.Everybody toasted for each other...
Time: 2017 - 02 - 13
2022 Quarterly Communication Conference
Time: 2022 - 10 - 25
On August 15,Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd held a grand ceremony of listing and ring on Shenzhen Stock Exchange.Chairman Qisheng Hou and company executives attended the listing ceremony.Mr.Hou Qisheng accepted plaque of listed enterprise and rang the bell that symbolized listed company in ceremony.This hammering not only means that Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations officially,but it also marks an milestone of Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd heading toward capital market;it not only means rewrite the history of Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd,but it also inevitably make an ...
Time: 2016 - 08 - 15
To vigorously carry forward the grand spirit of Anti-aggression,inspiring the patriotic enthusiasm and working motivation of employees further,Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd organized all staff to visit Yeting forest park and Yeting memorial park on July 17,cherishing the memory of martyr,gazing upon the great feats of revolutionary martyr and accepting the revolutionary tradition education.Simple and tranquil Yeting memorial park decorated lots of relics and photographs,and truly,vividly reflected that the Yeting martyr sacrificed his life for liberation,development and stabilization,being bas...
Time: 2016 - 07 - 17
On January 31,Shenzhen Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd ceremoniously held the 2015 Spring Festival Gala. All staffs gathered together and celebrated the festival.After the annual party opening,chairman Mr.Hou Qisheng deeply summarized development process and the accumulated experience of Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd since established in 2011.He also showed the results of these years and looked ahead at developing emphasis and direction in 2016.Sinbad Motor Co.,Ltd always be the way of innovation.Every fascinating turning has obtained achievements in large numbers through successfully practice.Sinbad Motor Co.,L...
Time: 2016 - 01 - 31
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